Special Education » Special Education Program

Special Education Program


At HArts Academy, the Special Education Program is grounded in the philosophy that ALL students can learn. Our Inclusion program is designed to have students with disabilities spend most of their time in the general education environment, participating with general education peers in the classroom, and taking part in the extracurricular life of the school. Inclusion is more than sitting in a general education class; it only is true inclusion when a child is learning and meeting IEP goals with their typical peers. Our services and programs have been designed to meet a variety of students’ educational and social-emotional needs that include the following: 


The Resource Program/Learning Center Model allows students to take general education courses with support, which can include up to two periods of resource and/or skills support classes each day.


General Ed. Classes and Co-Teaching-  HArts Academy is unique in that most classes are taught using a co-teaching model. Co-taught classes offer students the most inclusive experience with the support of a General Education teacher and Special Education teacher and/or Special Education Paraprofessional. We continue to meet the changing needs of different subgroups of students with disabilities by providing them with quality targeted instruction in their areas of highest need – literacy, social, and behavioral skills – in the Least Restrictive Environment.